5 Steps to Attract Your Online Match
Are you new to online dating? Or maybe you’ve been trying it for a while but don’t seem to have much success? Maybe you are wondering why it seems to be working for everyone else but not you. Learn the 5 steps to attracting a woman online by reading below!
- Know yourself.
A real estate agent can’t sell a house when he doesn’t know its history. It’s so important to understand what makes you unique and what you have to offer others in your life. Write down your top five qualities and read it every day. Always keep it in eye’s view. While it may seem silly at first, with time you will begin to internalize these qualities and better understand your personal worth. Women around the country are waiting for quality men to find them and to begin new relationships. These women want to find love, and it would be a disservice to keep yourself out of the dating arena.
- Write a profile for her, not for you.
When writing your online dating profile, imagine the woman of your dreams scrolling through and finding your page. When she reads your profile, she has to feel as though you are speaking directly to her and think “Wow, he’s talking about me!” You can accomplish this by focusing your writing on how you want to feel when you are with this woman. For example, “I’m looking for a woman who remembers her friends birthdays and knows when someone needs a hug without having to ask. She keeps her word and wherever we are, she feels like home.” Never make a laundry list that dictates what you don’t want in a woman or relationship; focus on the qualities that matter most to you. Keep it positive!
- Pictures are worth a thousand words.
Make sure your photos are up to date and good quality. You should be able to see your face clearly and be sure to include at least one full body shot. Select photos that show you in your element and doing activities that make you feel happy and alive such as participating in sports, traveling the world, or hanging out with your friends. Imagine a woman is perusing your photos and wants to write you an email. What photos can you post that would give her greater insight into what makes you tick? Your pictures have the potential to be great ice breakers and it’s a great way to make you stand out from the pack.
- Intro emails are your calling card.
The old saying goes “You only have one chance to make a first impression.” The same is true for your intro email, or the first email that you write to a woman online. Some profiles are full of great content and provide great insight, but many are brief and can be challenging to know how to proceed with your email. If she says something generic such as, “I like yoga,” ask her how long she has been practicing and if she’s perfected her warrior pose. You always want to include a thought-provoking question that is tailored to her profile. Too many men write emails like “I like your profile. You’re cute.” This generic, uninspired email leaves women with no room to respond! Your emails must be personal and show the woman that you are paying attention to detail. Intro emails should never be longer than three sentences and the general rule of thumb is that you should never correspond more than three times without setting up a date in person (the goal is to meet in person, not spend your precious time stuck behind a screen!)
- It’s a numbers game, baby!
Once they have completed all of the above, many men give up on online dating after emailing only a few women. Remember that women who are online dating are often bombarded with emails and it may take time for them to answer each email. They may be out of town or have started to date someone new and are waiting to see how that relationship progresses. The bottom line is that you may never know why a woman isn’t responding, but you can’t jump to conclusions. You must continue reaching out to new women on a regular basis to increase your odds of connecting. It helps to email new members on the dating site before they get swamped with new requests. Online dating is a marathon, not a sprint, so don’t get frustrated. Keep your profile up to date, your photos current, and continue to write thoughtful emails. It won’t be long until you’ve conquered the world of online dating!
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